These will aid us in many tasks, such as: Investigating the full-size version of a turbomachine by testing (instead) a much smaller version of it (in terms of the total-to-total pressure ratio), an ...
Turbomachines are further categorized according to the nature of the flow path through the passages of the rotor. When the path of the throughflow is wholly or mainly parallel to the axis of rotation, ...
Finally in 2012, Sami was awarded the designation of Fellow of Turbomachine Aerodynamics. Sami Girgis has lectured at McGill University from 2000-2007, and has been giving the Gas Turbine Design ...
Le turboréacteur est une turbomachine produisant une poussée par réaction. Le premier turboréacteur fut construit par Whittle en 1935 et tourna au banc en 1936. Mais ce fut von Ohain qui fit voler le ...
Ce terme sera positif dans le cas d'un écoulement dans une conduite, mais pourra être négatif si les deux points considérés sont de part et d'autre d'une turbomachine génératrice (pompe, ventilateur, ...
With no lack of generality, let us consider the stagewise compression process in Figure 7.1. Let us also view the process as a theoretically infinite sequence of compression processes over ...