Jesus spent time developing His disciples’ faith because He knew it would be essential for the tasks ahead of them. For over three years, the 12 men attended “classes” where Christ was their ...
The Lord is sovereign over all things, and He’s the one who establishes nations and uproots them. In His eyes, they are as influential as “a drop from a bucket” or “a speck of dust on the scales” (Isa ...
Does the Lord still call people, or was that something He did only in Bible times? Does He speak to a specific few or to everyone? Although God may not use an audible voice, He’s still in the business ...
It’s our hope today that you’re in a season of abounding joy. But we know that might not always be the case. The troubles of life can easily undermine our joy and rob us of our peace. For those ...
Is repentance necessary in the Christian’s life? Yes, and we can see this truth in 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us ...
It’s our hope today that you’re in a season of abounding joy. But we know that might not always be the case. The troubles of life can easily undermine our joy and rob us of our peace. For those ...
The Bible instructs us, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess. 5:18). It’s interesting that this instruction was written by Paul, whose loyalty to ...