Larissa dauntlessly paves the way for more accessible spaces. Her energy is contagious, igniting hope in those around her to embrace change, follow their passions, and unlock their true potential.
The enormous asteroid, dubbed the "God of Chaos" or 99942 Apophis, is said to be on a collision course with Earth - and the ...
The sirens sent large numbers of Israelis to shelters and led to questions about whether schools would operate as usual on ...
The other new work features a transgender woman flaunting one long, bared leg and staring dauntlessly at the viewer. Its paired sources are John Singer Sargent’s portrait of “Madame X,” and ...
Dauntlessly they loosed 8,000 more missiles, each costing $25, upon a second target, towed by another Air Service Lieutenant, scored 14 hits. Present were a dozen or more Generals and Admirals.
Then, forming a new line, he dauntlessly and aggressively led a bayonet charge, driving the enemy back and preventing a breakthrough in our lines. His great personal valor and unyielding devotion ...
Violating democracy
Sixty-five years ago, when the first democratically elected Communist government of the world was unilaterally dismissed by ...
Childe Roland, in Browning's remarkable monologue, is represented at the very end by the "slug-horn" or trumpet upon which he dauntlessly blows: "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came." Metaphor proper ...
Buzz reverberates with the hard-earned wisdom of a young woman who charges dauntlessly towards her dreams — but can still spare a laugh if she stumbles.
During the eight-year war of resistance against Japanese imperialist aggression (1937-1945), the Chinese people of all ethnic groups shared bitter hatred of the enemy and fought dauntlessly and ...
JERSEY CITY, N.J. — A painter of luminous figurative compositions, Amy Sherald thinks like a filmmaker. When I visited her Jersey City, New Jersey, studio this summer, she put it plainly: “I ...