台湾军方表示,中国海军航空母舰辽宁号编队星期三(9月18日)凌晨1时30分航经台湾东北海域,并继续向日本最南端的与那国岛驶去。 台湾国防部在一份声明中强调,在辽宁号编队通过的这段期间,台湾军方一直对这些中国舰艇进行监控、追踪并采取相应措施。 “(台湾 ...
Strong winds and scattered showers are predicted to hit Shanghai from tonight to tomorrow as Typhoon Pulasan approaches the ...
斐济群岛(Fiji Islands)的火山景观(Volcanic Landscapes)提供了壮观的自然景象(Spectacular Natural Scenery) 。 塔维乌尼(Taveuni)岛上有活跃的火山(Active ...
Secondo il FT, Sony Music è in trattative avanzate per l'acquisto dei diritti musicali dei Pink Floyd, nonostante le tensioni tra i membri della band. L'accordo, stimato intorno ai 500 milioni di doll ...
金色财经报道,美国民主党国会议员马克辛·沃特斯 (Maxine Waters) 在国会的听证会上,以特朗普及其儿子们推广的加密货币借贷平台 World Liberty Financial 为例,强调了消费者在 DeFi 领域面临的更高风险。 上周,特朗普的女儿蒂芙尼·特朗普和共和党全国委员会主席拉拉·特朗普(特朗普的儿媳)的推特账户被黑客入侵。在黑客的控制下,这些账户宣传了与 World Libe ...
The Philippines' recent provocative actions near Ren'ai Jiao and Xianbin Jiao seem to be calculated escalations. But who's ...
A CERES-1 carrier rocket carrying six satellites carrying Yunyao-1 15, 16 and 17 satellites and three other satellites blasts off from the waters near east China's Shandong Province, Aug. 29, 2024 ...
A Philippine coast guard ship caused a scrape with a Chinese vessel early Monday morning in waters near Xianbin Jiao. Later, it intruded into the waters of Ren'ai Jiao, according to the China Coast ...