At the Hôtel Drouot and throughout seven auctions, Daguerre will be offering at auction an exceptional collection discovered during a valuation in a Paris apartment.
The frikandel is perhaps the most contentious of Dutch foods. It’s both widely loved and widely hated, but what the frick is it? Even the history of the frikandel is controversial. Some argue that it ...
Still from “Unboxing Diana” an episode from the Frick’s "Renovation Stories" YouTube series. Photo courtesy of the Frick Collection, New York. The museum couldn’t risk damaging Diana ...
Frick, 32, with the help of Officer Anthony Brito. Police charged Frick, of 24 Elaine St., with criminal attempt to commit first-degree assault, assault on a police officer, third-degree assault ...
Most of the works on display were acquired by Frick and his wife during their lifetimes, and are predominantly paintings by European old masters—Boucher, Holbein, Fragonard, Reynolds, Van Dyck, and ...
These included Renaissance and Rococo furniture, Meissen and Sèvres porcelain, Limoges enamels and, most notably, one of the finest privately held collections of paintings in the world, including ...
They have carefully curated period-correct art, such as paintings and portraits by Jean-Honoré Fragonard ... director of the Frick Collection in New York, told the magazine.
Martin Frick told the BBC that some of the most deprived areas had now reached a tipping point of having “zero” harvests left, as extreme weather was pushing already degraded land beyond use.
Frieze New York and the Return of the MegafairsSocial reentry, sensory overload, and some very good art at the first big event since … well, you know when.