Betalbatim Sporting Club edged past Ambelim Sports Club via a tie-breaker 6-5 to secure the quarter-finals berth of 32nd C ...
A muted exit market, volatility within the tech sector and geopolitical uncertainty are weighing heavily on venture capital ...
The ancient Library of Alexandria was—as is known—burned, depriving the world of its wealth of knowledge. But who actually ...
Sorry, you need to subscribe to read this article. If you would like to access this article you must become a Premium Subscriber. Premium subscribers receive complete ...
It does not matter how one looks at this story; it is not only shameful to Kenya: it must shame all Africans equally.
Gulizia, Stefano 2019. Francesco Patrizi da Cherso and the anti-Aristotelian tradition: interpreting theDiscussiones Peripateticae(1581). Intellectual History Review ...
Of course, by the time of the coup, the Mujuru faction had been weakened when Joice was removed as VP in 2014 to make way for Mnangagwa and camp loyalists like Rugare Gumbo and Didymus Mutasa sent ...
Karl Ludwig Lehrs (January 14, 1802 – June 9, 1878), was a German classical scholar.