2024年6月29日, 万华化学 新材料事业部一期20万吨/年POE项目实现全流程贯通,并于当日产出合格产品,标志着中国首套大规模自主研发的POE工业化装置一次性高质量开车成功。
沙特阿拉伯当地时间2024年9月11日,荣盛石化与沙特阿美在利雅得签署了 《联合开发协议的框架协议》 , 用于规范沙特阿美全资子公司朱拜勒炼化公司(SASREF)联合开发扩建项目所需的合作执行。
作为世界知名的多元化化工企业,沙特基础工业公司(SABIC)致力于创新和可持续发展。 本届CHINAPLAS 2024,SABIC带来了他们在各领域的全新产品及解决方案。跟着我们的镜头,更近距离了解SABIC,探索高性能聚合物在不同领域的关键作用,了解他们对未来行业发展 ...
Organiser Adsale Exhibition Services (Hong Kong / China; www.adsale.com.hk) expects more than 3,300 exhibitors from 40 countries at next year’s “Chinaplas” fair (www.chinaplasonline.com), which takes ...
Despite a deflationary trend that threatens to stymie signs of China’s economic recovery, the country’s – indeed the world’s – plastics industry is looking forward to Chinaplas, the behemoth of all ...
Despite price increase nominations going into second quarter, it appeared there was potential for generally flat pricing with the exception of a major downward correction for PP.