El buque de investigación chino Deep Sea N.º 1, que transporta el sumergible tripulado Jiaolong, fue recibido el martes con ...
China's research vessel Deep Sea No. 1, carrying manned submersible Jiaolong, received a warm welcome Tuesday in the Hong ...
约克区警方表示,40岁被告Kelvin Cheuk-Ho Lee,被指控在2016年至2022年期间,在私人冰球课堂上性多次侵犯一名儿童,受害人当时年纪只有8岁。 警方表示,被告男子多年来一直在安省担任冰球教练,自2016 ...
China's deep sea research submersible Jiaolong is making its first-ever visit to Hong Kong, on its return from a mission in ...
警方称,于2022年2月9日接到有关性侵受害人的报告后开始对一名冰球教练展开调查。警方获悉受害人在2016年至2022年参加被告的私教冰球课时受到性侵。受害人最初只有8岁。 被告在安省各地教冰球多年,并且从2016年起在Haliburton Haven冰球队担任主管。被告还曾在约克区公校教育局(YRDSB)担任教师和体育教练,并在万锦网球俱乐部(Markham Tennis ...
Shenhai Yihao, the mother ship of Jialong submersible, docks at Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui, with researchers set to give ...
This one-pot spaghetti from "The Easy 3-Ingredient College Cookbook" is made with ground beef and jarred sauce. (Gretchen ...
The Education Bureau holds the “Love Our Home, Treasure Our Country” - Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of ...
Curious students ask a fossilised tree about its ancient experiences, from witnessing civilisations to surviving natural ...
A top security official on Friday said illegal activities of any kind must be condemned, and called on anyone feeling ...