您是否曾发现自己在说外语时磕磕巴巴,难以表达简单的想法,却感到尴尬不已?您并不孤单。 你知道吗 全球 75% 的英语使用者都不是英语母语人士? 语言学习常常让人感觉像是一场艰苦的战斗,无论是找不到合适的词语时的沮丧感,还是因发音而被误解的沮丧 ...
Nabil Hannan 是 NetSPI 的现场 CISO(首席信息安全官)。他领导公司的咨询业务,专注于帮助客户解决网络安全评估以及威胁和漏洞管理需求。他擅长构建和改进有效的软件安全计划,在金融服务领域拥有深厚的专业知识。 网络SPI是一种主动安全解决方案,旨在发现 ...
数据是有效组织决策的核心组成部分。如今,公司产生更多的数据—— 145 年将超过 2024 ZB– 通过社交媒体、物联网 (IoT) 来源和销售点 (POS) 系统等来源。 挑战是什么呢?将来自这些不同系统的数据汇编到一个统一的位置。 这就是数据集成的作用所在! 数据集成 ...
赛博德, a company at the forefront of visual AI technology for electronic manufacturing, has raised $8.7 million in a Series A funding round. The funding, led by Capri Ventures with participation from ...
People say that Silicon Valley has matured beyondthe hotheaded mindset of “move fast, break things, then fix them later,” and that companies have adopted a slower, more responsible approach to ...
Kevin 是 Vultr,是数字营销和数字体验领域 25 多年的先驱。Kevin 于 1996 年共同创立了他的第一家初创公司 Interwoven。在 Interwoven,Kevin 共同发明了 Interwoven TeamSite,创建了 Web 内容管理 (WCM) 市场,并于 1999 年使 Interwoven 上市。离开 Interwoven 之后,Kevin 在 ...
Data is the core component of effective organizational decision-making. Today, companies generate more data – over 145 zettabytes in 2024– through sources like social media, Internet-of-Things (IoT) ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries worldwide and introducing new levels of innovation and efficiency. AI ...
Pavlo Pikulin is the founder and CEO of Deus Robotics, which has developed an AI platform that connects and enhances the ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving faster than anyone could have imagined. From enhancing productivity to improving decision-making and creativity, AI in the workplace is no longer a futuristic ...