“Just as a foolish person abandons Allah the Exalted and bows down to a stone, similarly, they abandon truth and integrity, turning falsehood into an idol for their personal benefit. This is why Allah ...
With regard to the advent of the Promised Messiah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad sa mentioned that Allah the Almighty will send Jesus, son of Mary, who will be clothed in two yellow garments. Similarly, ...
20 September 1952: On this day, Al Fazl published Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s ra article, which he wrote upon request from The Sindh Muslim Government Law College for their quarterly magazine “Pakistan Law ...
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Benin held its Waqf-e-Nau ijtema on 24-25 August 2024. The event commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and speeches by Mian Qamar Ahmad Sahib, ...
Majlis Ansarullah UK’s cycling tour across Europe aims to promote peace, harmony, and respect. This year, the campaign began from Glasgow on the early morning of 5 September 2024, heading towards ...
These external factors were already present when, on 3 September 1924, a telegram arrived from Qadian conveying the news of the martyrdom of Maulvi Nematullah Khan Sahib, a missionary in Kabul. This ...
Many of the stories in the Holy Quran have similarities to those in the Bible. A common conclusion is that since the Quran came after the Bible, Muslims copied these stories from Judaism and ...
In an era where information flows endlessly from countless sources, people find themselves starved of truth. The digital age, heralded as the dawn of unparalleled access to knowledge, has instead ...
Al Hakam is a weekly English newspaper for members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat around the world. Its aim is to provide Ahmadis with content regarding the beliefs of the true Islam, reintroduced to ...
Exactly 50 years ago, on 7 September 1974, the Parliament of Pakistan declared Ahmadis as non-Muslims. This action was contrary to the Sunnah and the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sa. The ...
Islamabad, Tilford, UK, 25 August 2024: At approximately 14:30 GMT, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, arrived at the Masroor Hall, Islamabad, UK, for the ...
The Quran is an everlasting miracle unlike any that previous prophets before Prophet Muhammad sa ever brought forth. For a Muslim, viewing the Quran as an eternal miracle is not a significant ...