纽西兰华联总会(New Zealand Chinese Association)的梁嘉南在与总理Christopher Luxon的一次会面中呼吁,新西兰应考虑参考澳大利亚的做法,对外国的情报机构及人员进行备案,因为外国干涉正在对民主造成影响。
据路透社报道,日本海上保安厅(Japan Coast Guard)一名官员表示,他们在本周一时收到来自中国发出的关于南中国海和菲律宾吕宋岛以北太平洋三个区域的"太空碎片"航行预警,警告生效时间为周三。
RNZ Chinese is a dedicated initiative producing content for and about the diverse Chinese community in New Zealand. Radio New ...
"对于老年人群和有潜在健康问题的人群,想要获得像Paxlovid这种抗病毒药物需要检测后确诊阳性才行。这种抗病毒手段可以降低重症、住院和'长新冠'的风险,因此对新西兰的健康和经济都有好处。但这种疗法必须在确诊5天内开始,所以快速检测至关重要。" ...
Opinion - The clue is right there in the title. Ellen DeGeneres' new comedy special is called For Your Approval and ...
Central Otago is creating a strategy to shape its economic future with hopes it may ease the pressures from rapid growth.
In a controversial move, unelected Hastings youth councillors have been given voting rights on committees, after the mayor ...
Andre Petera and Alicia Toki had concerns about the school caving trip - but "had so much trust that the school would look ...
The couple's 20-year relationship was "violent and angry", with police attending more than 50 callouts to their home over the ...
Analysis - The crackdown on working from home has consequences for thousands of public servants, the still-awaited ferries ...
There are ferries out of action, but the weather's looking relatively settled for the next week - although Waka Kotahi warns ...