Phil Badger tries to make sense of a tangle of pride, identity and metaphysics. “If you believe yourself a citizen of the world then you are a citizen of nowhere.” UK Prime Minister Theresa May, ...
Michael Ruse is a well known philosopher of biology. He has written extensively on the relationship between science and religion. His latest book is A Meaning to Life (OUP). Seth Hart asked him about ...
Michael Philips on truth and the Correspondence Theory. Most Americans believe that Osama bin Laden ordered the attack on the World Trade Center. Some Muslims believe the Israelis were behind it. Many ...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Poet, playwright, scientist. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Philosopher. Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner: Chemist. It is 1829, and we are in the Faculty Club of the University ...
Matt Qvortrup explains how the Enlightenment’s leading philosopher went looking for a bit of peace. The newspaper Gothaische gelehrte Zeitungen was slightly sarcastic when it wrote about Immanuel Kant ...
Van Harvey says it is possible to live meaningfully without a higher purpose. “Or again we could say that the man is fulfilling the purpose of existence who no longer needs to have any purpose except ...
Vincent Di Norcia theorizes how morality is generated by how the brain works. “The time has come for ethics to be removed temporarily from the hands of the philosophers and biologicized.” Damasio does ...
Biology and neuropsychology tell us the brain is a highly complex physical object, which in some ways resembles a computer in its operating principles. There are ‘circuits’ of neurons (brain cells) ...
Having to face new, foreign, or simply different ways of thought is not an exclusively 20th Century experience: “You cannot put charcoal and ice in the same container,” once declared an 12th Century ...
Amy Pollard reads Plato’s Republic as a reform document. Imagine a gym with unisex locker rooms. Imagine a daycare center that your kids can never leave. Imagine a dating service that randomly matches ...
Dane Gordon on the friends of Epicurus. Epicureanism may be distinguished as a philosophy in two somewhat lamentable ways. It has possibly been vilified more than any other, a practice which began ...
Raymond Tallis on the natural philosophy of the caress. It’s gripping stuff! We humans are unique and cannot be fully explained in biological terms. So, at least, I have argued in several books, ...