Photograph of a cow uterus with circular, button-like caruncles. The caruncles are the site of attachment for the placenta. There are around 100 caruncles in a bovine uterus.
Department of Surgery, Yale University and New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Conn. Read at the mid-winter meeting of the New England Branch of the American Urological Association, Boston, March 3 ...
Beset by predators, hatchlings make this journey at night, breaking out of their shells using their caruncle, a single temporary tooth grown just for this purpose. Found primarily in the Gulf of ...
The Ross’ goose is a very small white goose often seen among snow goose flocks, which are further distinguished by caruncles (warty growths) on their bills. Known to hunters as specklebellies ...
Any abnormalities of the urethra should be noted, such as a diverticulum, caruncle, or unsuspected urethral hypersuspension. The degree of enlargement of a cystocele with straining should be noted.
多肉冠幅长得越大,种在花盆里越难以服盆,像那些直接种在土里的多肉,超过二三十公分,买回家种在花盆里,至少需要2~3个月的时间,多肉才 ...