Thursday night, after the Patriots were embarrassed by the Jets, head coach Jerod Mayo wasn’t ready to name a starting ...
太便宜的玻璃杯别买,会随时炸在嘴里,玻璃杯,高硼,钢化玻璃,水杯,搪瓷,器皿 ...
His dominant performance Monday night is just the beginning, and the sky is the limit for this true dual-threat weapon at ...
The Oregon State Beavers kept coming back to the running game in Saturday's win over Purdue. Even with the rushing attack being the key factor in the Beavs' of ...
The start of the 2024 NFL season has not gone as planned for the Dallas Cowboys. However, one team's struggles is another's opportunity, and the Washington Comm ...
Texas quarterback Quinn Ewers practiced Monday but remains questionable to play with an abdomen strain when the No. 1 Longhorns face Mississippi State in their Southeastern Conference opener, coach ...
在瞬息万变的直播带货江湖中,头部主播疯狂小杨哥的名字无疑是流量与销量的双重保证。然而,近日,这位带货界明星却被卷入了一场涉及消费者权益、产品质量与行业监管的风暴之中。打假人王海一纸检测报告,将小杨哥曾大力推荐的芝芙莲内衣洗衣液推上了风口浪尖,直指其非法添加三氯生,引发了公众的广泛关注与讨论。面对质疑,芝芙莲迅速回应,却未能彻底消除公众疑虑,反而暴露出洗衣液行业标准的“尴尬”现状。本文将以深入剖析、 ...
CINCINNATI -- Rookie quarterback Jayden Daniels threw for two touchdowns and ran for a score in an efficient performance, and ...
根据市场监管总局官网消息,上海市市场监督管理局于2023年3月对宁波森浦信息技术有限公司(即森浦Sumscope)涉嫌滥用市场支配地位行为立案调查。经调查,2024年8月13日,上海市市场监督管理局对宁波森浦信息技术有限公司实施滥用市场支配地位行为作 ...
为推动洗衣机、干衣机行业良性健康发展,引导理性科学消费,提高国民健康生活品质,2024年9月20日,由中家院(北京)检测认证有限公司主办的“2024 年度衣物洗烘托管技术论坛”以线上的方式在北京举行。
你吃到过“假牛肉”吗? 它们经常以牛排、牛柳、牛肉粒的模样出现,模样正常,口味还行,但口感极为别扭:很嫩,嫩到毫无肉类应有的纤维感,轻轻一咬就断,与其说是牛肉,不如说是牛肉味的鸡蛋干、豆腐干。
笔帽透气性检测 笔套拉力上,行业标准QB/T 1655-2006 《水性圆珠笔和笔芯》规定,水性圆珠笔的笔套拉力应符合4.9N~24.5N要求。检测显示,得力、晨光、名创优品这3款笔的笔套拉力分别为10.1N、5.8N、11.9N,也均符合标准要求。 从以上笔套的检测项目来看 ...