Due to the different underlying causes, proper diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis can only be determined by an eye care professional. Punctate epithelial erosions may be treated with artificial tears ...
You wouldn’t know it by looking at my immaculate manicure (I’m writing this wearing a fresh set of gels for my birthday this ...
Susac syndrome is a rare inflammatory vascular endotheliopathy affecting the small vessels of the brain, eye, and ear.1,2 ...
Anisopoikilocytosis Condition in which RBCs display both sizes and shapes that are variable and abnormal Basophilic Stippling Immature RBCs display bluish flecks or punctate granules when exposed ...
State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases & National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, China Department of Endodontics, West China ...
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a chronic, cholestatic liver disease characterized by progressive destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts, resulting in chronic cholestasis, portal inflammation ...
Pathogenic activating point mutations in the LRRK2 kinase cause autosomal-dominant familial Parkinsońs disease (PD). In cultured cells, mutant LRRK2 causes a deficit in de novo cilia formation and ...