Think of the nerve signal like the electrical current, and the neurons like wires. Synapses would be the outlets or junction boxes that connect the current to a lamp (or other electrical appliance of ...
Researchers from Bonn and Japan have clarified how neighboring synapses coordinate their response to plasticity signals: Nerve cells in the brain receive thousands of synaptic signals via their ...
Andrea Gomez, a Berkeley molecular and cell biologist, applies her wide-ranging curiosity to brains’ mysteries ranging from synapses to psychedelics.
In neuroscience, the term 'active zone' is used to refer to a specialized area in the presynaptic membrane of synapses (i.e., ...
The nerve of the pterygoid canal contains axons of both sympathetic and parasympathetic axons, specifically; The preganglionic parasympathetic axons synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion, which ...
A study conducted at the University of Bonn has identified an essential control circuit in flies that regulates food ...
Nerve cells in the brain receive thousands of synaptic signals via their "antenna", the so-called dendritic branch. Permanent changes in synaptic strength correlate with changes in the size of ...
Spines, mushroom-shaped protrusions of nerve cells, are found in the brain and can strengthen synaptic connections. "Glutamate release allows precise manipulation of selected synapses, which ...
Researchers have discovered a fascinating new link between the gut and the brain: swallowing nutritious food causes the ...
The glossopharyngeal nerve, which is also called the ninth cranial nerve, has both sensory (sensation) functions and motor (movement) functions in the body, as well as specialized sensory function and ...