如何形容生命的起承转合?作品多次获得奥斯卡金像奖、威尼斯影展提名入围的电影导演、曾入围AD100的室内设计师、人们昵称为“瓜导”的Luca ...
本期Part 2 话题 拥挤的地方Describe a crowded place you went toYou should say:When you went thereWho you went there withWhy you went ...
Wukong, played by Shanghai Peking Opera performer Hao Jie, showed his signature moves, such as swinging the Jingu Bang (golden cudgel), and performed with break dancers, with music from the 1987 TV ...
Del 12 al 16 de septiembre se celebra en Beijing la Feria Internacional del Comercio de Servicios de China 2024 (CIFTIS, por sus siglas en inglés). En una carta de felicitación, el presidente chino, X ...