WDCC 2024 will be held between September 27 and 30 in Huangpu District, with over 50 forums and a free exhibition. The ...
Primary and secondary schools across multiple Chinese cities have extended class breaks from 10 to 15 minutes from the start of the fall semester in an effort to encourage outdoor activities among ...
In recent years, paddleboarding has gained significant popularity on social media platforms. The first China Paddleboard ...
In response to the Chinese government's strategic decision to promote a new round of large-scale equipment renewal and ...
China will boost sci-tech innovation to improve the quality and effectiveness of food development, such as basic research and breeding technologies.
Aiming to promote golf as a popular sport and improve golf proficiency among Tsinghua University students •随着校队与协会的融合发展,吸引了越来越多对高尔夫球感兴趣、有基础的朋友加入与球队的交流、学习之中。逐步取得了一些佳绩。 高球是绿色、氧气、阳光、友谊。这项运动 ...