Despite what JD Vance may think, there is no direct correlation between parenthood and fitness to lead a country.
It could be that America’s future was decided by the last two presidential debates. So sign up your kid and find them a suit.
A 15-year-old Irish holidaymaker arrested on suspicion of raping an 18-year-old compatriot in a Spanish holiday resort will ...
SOME 22 women and children have been murdered by men in a ‘summer of gender-based violence’.  Gender-based violence has ...
Through a statement to the press the “Mochima Chamber of Commerce and Tourism”, denounced the repeated power outages that ...
在中世纪,水果和蔬菜在日常饮食中占据了重要地位,常见的水果包括苹果、无花果和梨,蔬菜则有大蒜、萝卜、卷心菜和韭菜。由于水源不洁净,人们通常饮用掺酒的水以避免疾病,因此,餐桌上通常伴随着葡萄酒或啤酒.那些幸运能享用肉类的人,通常能吃到鸡肉和猪肉。此外, ...
Hace casi 5 años que Forbes ya recomendó algunas zonas españolas como retiro de jubilación, entre las que se encontraban la ...
La cifra supone un aumento de casi el 10% con respecto al año anterior, y es un 48% mayor que los datos de 2018 ...
El Tribunal Constitucional español anunció este miércoles que examinará la constitucionalidad de la ley de amnistía a los independentistas catalanes, manteniendo la incertidumbre sobre cientos de ...
The European Commission has been working with leading blockchain developers to set the stage for a future of scalability, sustainability and security across the European Union. The Iota Foundation ...
The Government was planning to put to a vote this Thursday in the Congress of Deputies the same budget spending ceiling that ...
This Thursday, September 26, the Plenary of Congress, will debate and vote on the budgetary stability and public debt ...