This is the inaugural entry in Tech and Tactics, a series of blog posts conceived by RM editor Ivan Arreguín-Toft on how ...
She gained her party’s nomination uncontested after Biden abandoned the race on July 21. The short time remaining before the ...
Recent news reports claim that Saudi Arabia persuaded Russia not to arm the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen with cruise missiles. If so, this “Saudi channel” may be an important means for restraining ...
Full text of the 2023 Russian Foreign Policy Concept (in Russian). Full text of the 2023 Russian Foreign Policy Concept (in English). 2020 Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on ...
Areas of expertise include: Russia; populism; the black diaspora in Europe; democratic governance; the historical evolution of color prejudice.
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Russia Matters is a project launched in 2016 by Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York and ...
Partially Correct: If calculated without adjusting for inflation or purchasing power, Russia’s nominal GDP per capita (in current U.S. dollars) declined by 37.4% in 2013-2020 according to IMF data, so ...
Full text of the 2010 Russian Military Doctrine (in English) (non-governmental source).
The National Interest’s contributing editor Michael Lind posits that Cold War II has its roots in the American bid for global hegemony. Rather than try and fail to achieve this hegemony, the U.S.