80 条 10 年预测线,涵盖 17 种 3D 技术和 10 种 3D 打印材料类型。包括聚合物、金属、陶瓷、复合材料和建筑 3D 打印的技术细分、市场分析、基准化研究、参与者概况 技术和打印机基准化研究,全面的参与者评估、基于采访的公司概况,以及市场详细预测。
Energy Research SubscriptionAdvanced Li-ion Battery TechnologiesBatteries for Stationary Energy StorageBattery Markets in Construction, Agriculture & Mining MachinesDirect Lithium ExtractionFire ...
Moteurs à combustion interne à hydrogène 2025-2045 : applications, technologies, état du marché et prévisions. Couverture approfondie des moteurs à hydrogène, y compris l'injection de carburant, les ...
生物塑料制造商正在迅速扩大生产规模,预计未来十年内该行业的复合年增长率将达12.4%。这一扩张趋势背后,是品牌所有者们强力的推动力量,以实现脱碳承诺、满足消费者对可持续性的需求,并遵守一次性化石基塑料的相关法律禁令。IDTechEx的这份报告探讨 ...
전기 자동차 판매, 모델 및 기술 데이터베이스전기 수직이착륙(eVTOL) 항공기 및 에어택시 기술, 주요 기업 및 시장 전망자율주행 트럭 기술, 주요 트랜드 및 시장 전망배터리 전기 및 수소 연료 전지 열차 (2023- 2043년)건설, 농업 및 광산 기계용 배터리 시장전망 ...
IDTechEx conducts detailed examinations of emerging technologies based on extensive primary research carried out by our technical analysts around the world. Clear, concise and considered view of ...
In 2024, the EV charging infrastructure market is experiencing consistent growth as electric vehicle adoption surges worldwide albeit at a slower pace than earlier. Driven by increasing consumer deman ...