In a new evaluation report the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages concludes that while Spain has a well-developed system for the ...
Climate justice and effective action to tackle the triple planetary crises of global warming, pollution and loss of biodiversity are key concerns of young people. From 24 to 26 September, 120 young ...
Commissioner O’Flaherty visited Poland from 16 to 18 September 2024 for a mission focusing on the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border and the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers and ...
This year’s European Heritage Days festivities have been launched with programmes in more than 40 countries, exploring this year’s theme of “Heritage of Routes, Networks, and Connections.” Lithuania ...
Commissioner O’Flaherty visited Poland from 16 to 18 September 2024 for a mission focusing on the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border and the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers and ...
Carlo Monticelli, Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), led a delegation on a ...
S’adressant aux Délégués des Ministres, le Secrétaire Général a souligné l’importance vitale des ...
The members of the Conference of INGOs are warmly invited to participate in an important webinar on 1st October, from 18:00 ...
Europe’s largest minority, the Roma and Travellers, face multiple barriers to education, health, employment and political ...
In this episode, we celebrate the European Heritage Days, a unique event that opens doors to Europe’s cultural and historical landmarks. From Sweden to Cyprus, these days offer access to hidden gems ...
Claus Neukirch a présenté les réalisations communes des trois dernières années à travers le plan d'action du Conseil de l'Europe pour la République de Moldavie pour 2021-2024 et a réitéré le soutien ...
Overall, the Committee found that there is a good framework for protecting regional or minority languages, but there is an ...