What offset voltage are you trying to achieve? We likely have a device that will meet your offset voltage requirements that will not require you to calibrate each device.
XCP is a common requirement from automotive OEMs. I’ve found that Implementing XCP-on-CAN for a C2000 device is far from straightforward and there doesn’t seem to be much information publicly ...
In order to display 1280 * 720 size BMP images on the screen, 2D and 3D GPUs are used for each LCD. The 3D GPU was more than twice as slow as the 2D GPU, causing problems with screen synchronization.
Today I received a brand new LAUNCHXL-F280049C from arrow.com, when I began to create a project I decided to verify the XDS110 interface and keep receiving this error ...
Can TPS2544 meet below Intel KBL-U requirement for USB2.0 with BC1.2 ? If yes, could I know the insertion loss @240Mhz of D+/D- in TPS2544? So that we can estimate the USB D+/D- layout trace from ...
I wondered which parameters I can change (except parameters of my motor) during my own tuning process when using hvkit with F28069M ISO Control Card? When I was ...
I'm having a trouble compiling a C code in CCS, I'm using a TMS320C6713... i don't know whats wrong with my code.. can anyone help me, my code is: while(!DSK6713_AIC23_write(el_handle0, out_l)); ...
I want to read a GPIO input (GPIO14) in order to see the button status and write in GPIO out (GPIO15) the same status, I have the initial configuration: You will want ...
It's probably in plain site, yet I can't seem to figure out how to retrieve the system clock value. I found posts mentioning SysCtl_getClock(), and a macro called DEVICE_SYSCLK_FREQ. Though neither of ...
Texas Instruments (TI) Interface support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search interface IC content or ask ...
We have been working with the beaglebone black and I have a related question. the beaglebone uses gpio1_20 to reset the emmc as do we. I am trying to understand how this works. Since at boot all of ...
We don't have a model available for this device. All spice models that are available can be found using the link below.