On immigration, not only has the administration renounced Obama’s unilateral arrogation of legislative power in DACA and DAPA, it has avoided substituting its own policy in place of it ...
她透露,她于前天(17日)下午5时左右,接到一位声称是友人“永康”的陌生来电,并诈称说已经更换电话号码。 她说,由于对方与友人的声音十分 ...
The NCLA said: “This class-action complaint challenges SEC’s shocking arrogation of power to impose dystopian surveillance, suspicionless seizures, and real or potential searches on millions ...
第十五章 截江夺阿斗 江东孙权得知刘备入川消息, 诈称国太病危, 要孙夫人携带阿斗回吴, 以 便扣留阿斗, 讨还荆州. 孙夫人中计上船. 赵云得讯 ...
In his resignation letter, he cited unethical conduct, unilateral arrogation of power, lack of comprehension of issues, and factionalism. His resignation comes ahead of the bank's annual general ...
Judge Consuelo Callahan condemns the panel’s “artful evasion of the REAL ID Act [as] nothing short of an outright arrogation of the agency’s statutory duty as trier of fact.” Judge Daniel P.
In fact, Trump is arguing for a dramatic arrogation of power for former presidents — giving them the ability to seal off White House records created during their tenure. Josh Kovensky is an ...
It is God alone we worship and adore. Mr. Biden’s arrogation of godly language for civil matters follows a recent trend in political discourse. That was perhaps most notable after the Jan. 6 ...
The arrogation of the functions of the Council by a group of states claiming to act in the common interest therefore reflects the reality of the present, little Cold War between Russia and the West.
specifically Mithun's hometown recalling the hierarchic violence and the animalistic pursuance of power in relation to land arrogation so rooted in the collective memory.
"Such arrogation from the Moldovan authorities flagrantly violates their commitment to ensure equal participation for all member states in this UN event," the Russian Foreign Ministry concluded.