emancipate our minds, use our heads, seek truth from facts, and unite as one in looking to the future 中国式的现代化,必须从中国的特点出发。 To accomplish modernization of a Chinese type, we must proceed from China’s ...
一般在写英语作文时,同学们大多数使用的都是简单句的堆砌,偶尔有复杂句,so,and,then,but 等关系词使用频繁,使得句子结构显得松散、呆板,这样的作文即使有良好的观点和主旨也难拿高分。 因此,在表达相同含义时,时常试着换一种表达方式不仅会为 ...
always adhering to the concepts of "seeking the truth from facts" and "advancing with the times". She has helped Huawei adapt to the rapidly changing and complicated external environment, and has ...
it stresses the importance of seeking truth from facts. The idea offers a basic approach to work and life, and its inheritance and development have effectively promoted progress in science and ...
seek truth from the facts, progress with the times, and be open-minded and innovative in thinking; strive to achieve more in reform, opening up and modernizing the city as a gift to the forthcoming ...
"We must free our minds, seek truth from facts, move with the times, and take a realistic and pragmatic approach," Xi said. The meeting was attended by Li Qiang, Wang Huning and Cai Qi, all members of ...
We are determined to get at(= discover) the truth. 我们决心查出真相。 The truth (of the matter) is we can't afford to keep all the staff on. 实际情况是我们无力继续聘用所有的职员。 I don't think you are telling me the whole truth ...
Some collections in the museum. A 30-meter-long acousto-optic electronic screen in the museum. "AI figure" Zhu Xi can answer visitors' questions, such as "What does 'seeking truth from facts' mean", ...