This concept originated in the Outlaws of the Marsh (Shui Hu). As a traditional virtue, the idea is reflected in many Chinese classics. For example, the Book of History, a pre-Qin classic ...
Croce, Michel 2019. For A Service Conception of Epistemic Authority: A Collective Approach. Social Epistemology, Vol. 33, Issue. 2, p. 172.
To put it another way, virtue makes attaining happiness easy. So How Does One Acquire Virtue? Unfortunately, acquiring a virtue demands a great deal of effort and commitment. To look at the ...
This idea originated in Su Shu: "Be courteous and thrifty and exercise self-restraint." Thrift is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Guided by the philosophy of harmony between humanity ...
Sky News host Chris Kenny highlights another case of pointless and “ridiculous virtue signalling” where the Bendigo and ...
There are scores of examples in other languages on different interpretations of virtue. ‘Quality of mercy is not stained,‘ says Shakespeare, emphasising compassion. Without exception ...
The Taliban has begun enforcing some of its new austere rules for Afghan society, dictating strict controls according to ...
Programs with such qualities aren’t so easy to come by nowadays ... foibles serve as an occasion for the Queen to exercise virtue. This is an “individuality” understood in a deeper Christian ...
Rather than addressing factors such as education, employment and remoteness, stating “systemic racism is the problem” provides a sense of certainty and is the quick and easy solution.
The Islamist Taliban announced the ratification of their Law on the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice Wednesday, forbidding women from singing, reciting poetry, or speaking aloud in ...