Once you install iOS 18, here's how to start making some changes and really personalize your iPhone the way you want.
To change the Action button's linked app/function, hold the button down, then use your finger or the digital crown. This ...
Apple has confirmed a few changes in the iPhone 16 series, intended to make the phones more easily repairable. However, there ...
You can configure your Gmail account easily with the auto-configure method of Microsoft Outlook. But you need to set up Gmail to allow you to download mail as POP or ...
全球工业物联网领导厂商研华(2395)为提升亚太(ASEAN)区域核心竞争力,并因应半导体及高科技相关领域日益增长的需求,周五宣布扩大新加坡营运据点,新办公室的面积亦将扩充至现有的两倍。研华长期与产业生态伙伴紧密合作,持续透过产学合作推动在地人才的发展,同时新加坡据点将支援研华的客制化组装服务(Configure To Order Services, CTOS),强化产业深耕与落地的策略目标,全面 ...
随着.NET 9 RC1(Release Candidate 1)的正式发布,曾被认为是开发者摇篮的.NET平台再度焕发活力。这一版本不仅在性能和安全性方面做出了显著改进,还对ASP.NET Core进行了深度优化,为开发人员提供了更加丰富和强大的Web开发能力。本文将全面解析.NET 9 RC1中的新特性,并通过示例代码展示其具体应用。
Wavelynx Technologies, a trailblazer in advanced, secure, and versatile reader and credential solutions, announced the launch ...
Apple has significantly improved the repairability of the iPhone 16 series, making it easier to replace components and run ...
2024年9月13日 Global Info Research调研机构发布了《全球医院空调系统行业总体规模、主要厂商及IPO上市调研报告,2024-2030》。本报告研究全球医院空调系统总体规模,主要地区规模,主要企业规模和份额,主要产品分类规模,下游主要应用规模等。统计维度包括收入 ...
前言风场信息的测量是气象或空气动力学领域的重要工作内容之一,其测量的精确性对于气象研究尤为重要。激光测风雷达作为新型测风技术,利用多普勒(Doppler)原理获取风向、风速信息,具有能够探测晴空风场、测风范围广、探测精度高、时空分辨率高 ...
Apple's latest iOS 18 includes a Repair Assistant feature that lets users configure replacement parts after repairs. This ...