The authors report a laser-induced dynamic crosslinking approach with allyl sulfide groups to achieve reconfigurable high-resolution patterning of multiple liquid crystalline phases in a single film.
最近,某社交平台上有一道凉拌菜热度相当高,轻轻松松就点赞过万,无数人在评论区打卡交作业——新疆的朋友们看到了一定有一种“小学同学上电视”的熟悉感——这不就是我们从小吃到大的“皮辣红”(也有人叫“老虎菜”)么!没胃口时妈妈就会做它~这道凉拌菜真的这么有 ...
F.M. Yavitt, B.E. Kirkpatrick, M.R. Blatchley, K.F. Speckl, E. Mohagheghian, R. Moldovan, N. Wang, P.J. Dempsey and K.S. Anseth, “In situ modulation of intestinal ...
The study was undertaken to help improve the performance and stability of electrodes, thereby increasing battery performance.
Sure, if you eat the product (with steamed basmati rice) you might have to consider the metabolism of the garlic and the production and exhalation of allyl methyl sulfide. But if consumption is ...
Westlake (NYSE:WLK) said Monday it plans to temporarily cease operations starting in 2025 of the allyl chloride and ...
Researchers investigate the anti-inflammatory and anti-prostate cancer properties of aged black garlic extract.
The global epichlorohydrin market size is anticipated to grow from USD 2.8 billion to USD 4.92 billion in 10 years. The market will experience rapid growth due to the rising economy & government steps ...
Global demand for electronic devices and electric vehicles is set to continue growing and diversifying in the coming years.
Garlic, when chewed or crushed, produces sulfur compounds such as alliin, which helps boost the response of disease-fighting white blood cells, plus diallyl disulfide and s-allyl cysteine ...