必需氨基酸(EAAs),如蛋氨酸(Met),在调控寿命方面发挥着重要作用,Met限制已被证实可以显著延长多种生物的寿命。相比之下,非必需氨基酸(NEAAs)的作用往往被忽视。相关研究发现,酪氨酸(Tyr)等NEAAs在调节寿命、代谢、繁殖和进食行为中 ...
The molecular basis of phospho-tyrosyl-regulation of Src-family and Syk-family protein tyrosine kinases in signaling pathways is a current focus of the lab. The conformational activation of Src kinase ...
Tyrosine phosphorylation can upregulate NMDA receptor activity during pathological and physiological alterations of synaptic strength. Here we describe downregulation of recombinant NR1/2A ...
研究通过设计特殊的蛋白质结构块(每块59个氨基酸)并引入单个氨基酸突变,使用双酪氨酸标记(tyrosine mutation)来分割电流信号,进而实现对氨基酸序列的识别和翻译后修饰的探测。 纳米孔技术结合解折酶ClpX读取蛋白质的过程(Credit: Nature) 蛋白质通过纳米孔的 ...
本次ESMO大会进一步更新报道了中国桥接研究的数据。这项Ⅱ期研究招募了对伊马替尼治疗失败或不耐受的GIST成年患者,随机(1:1)接受瑞派替尼150 mg每日一次(QD)或舒尼替尼50 mg ...
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) affects millions worldwide, including a rising number in India. Effective management involves ...
Sanofi said on Friday that its multiple sclerosis drug candidate was shown to delay worsening of a progressive form of the ...
2024年8月6日,清华大学生命学院/免疫所/生命中心刘万里团队,联合清华大学药学院饶燏团队和北京大学肿瘤医院丁宁团队携手在《细胞发现》(Cell ...
The specter of elevated liver enzymes, a known problem with the drug class, became a topic of talk with regard to Sanofi SA’s ...
The Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor tolebrutinib is reportedly the first agent to show benefit in patients with nonrelapsing secondary progressive MS.
What are ingestible tanning supplements, also known as tanning pills? Experts weigh in on whether or not they work and are ...