Zimbabwe: fruit pulp is fire-, or sun-dried, for use in periods of food shortage. Mozambique (Macossa and Tamara districts): Ripe fruits, which have fallen on the ground are collected, cracked open ...
Kenya (Mbeere division, Embu district): fruit eaten. These are edible like an orange, although pulpy and with less juice. Malawi: fruit eaten. This site is provided to Mr. Freedman by Dr. Jules Janick ...
and strychnos nux-vomica, the strychnine tree. All of the above plants are deadly, but Joffrey's reaction to the poison makes one plant a far more likely culprit. Burks matched these poisons up ...
He mixes the roots of Acacia Nilotica, Fagaropsis Herderbrandtii, Strychnos Spinosa and Carissa Edulis with the roots of Moringa oleifera and Zanthoxylum Chalybeum (leaves). But Wendo Usu admits ...