After Israel turned Hezbollah’s communications system against it with deadly force, officials and experts wonder if a bigger ...
2018年3月27日,上海交通大学附属新华医院结直肠外科在Cancer Cell International (中科院二区 IF=5.3)刊上在线发表题为 "Effects of secreted frizzled-related protein 1 ...
稻曲病是世界水稻生产中的主要病害之一,不仅造成稻米产量损失,且稻曲球中产生的毒素对动物细胞具有毒性和致畸作用,严重威胁粮食安全。在我国,稻曲病发生尤为严重,年均发生面积4500万亩、减产超1.5亿公斤。培育抗稻曲病品种被认为是目前最经济有效的防治措施 ...
Skin-secreted adhesives, or glues, are highly effective defense adaptations that have evolved recurrently in a small number ...
该研究中使用本公司外泌体提取纯化试剂盒 (货号:UR52151/UR52161)进行血清外泌体以及支气管肺泡灌洗液外泌体提取,结果符合各检测指标要求,满足了客户的下游实验需求。
近日,来自美国斯坦福大学的J. Bradley Zuchero研究团队和J. Du Bois研究团队合作在Cell杂志上发表题为Schwann cell-secreted PGE2 promotes sensory neuron excitability during development的研究论文,该研究发现了施旺细胞分泌的PGE2对于感觉神经元在发育过程中表达电压门控钠通道、产生 ...
Cacosternum cederbergense, or the Cederberg dainty frog, belongs to a clade of dainty frogs known for their relatively ”large ...
When your team wins, it is a shot in the arm to your self-esteem. When it loses there is a loss of self-esteem. And we carry ...
A U.S. official said Israel briefed the U.S. on the operation in which small amounts of explosive secreted in the pagers were ...
Three scientists were recognized by the Lasker Awards for their work on the GLP-1 hormone. Others were honored for work to ...