Jacob Jackson,OpenAI的前员工,在2024年2月创立AI编程公司Supermaven近日宣布完成1200万美元的A轮融资,本轮融资由Bessemer Venture Partners领投,OpenAI联合创始人John ...
综合外电23日报导,中方海军最近首度同时派3艘航母出海,展现了中国迅速成长并现代化的海军力量。而3艘航母中,「辽寧」和「山东」舰已在舰队中建立稳固地位,至于「福建」舰则是中国第一艘国产航母,仍在为服役做准备。随着中国海军持续扩大海军航空战力,预料这最 ...
2023年1月和2月,乌克兰第72机械化旅在顿涅茨克州的要塞城镇胡歷达尔(Vuhledar)击退了数量是其2倍的俄军。此后第72机械化旅一直坚守胡歷达尔,此处是整条乌俄战争战线L型交会处,由南方前线(西向东)转向北方(南 ...
Following the introduction of Cambodia's pepper, famed "Pepper King", to Central China's Henan province on September 15, ...
The “rub” can be readily understood in the context of golf. Have you heard of golfers say that they’ve “not had the rub of ...
China has a big chance in AI development thanks to its large population, the same language, and a lot of computer infrastructure, said French professor Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, a computer scientist and ...
Justin Yifu Lin, dean of Peking University's Institute of New Structural Economics, said that regions with development gaps ...
During the period, foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Chinese mainland, in actual use, totaled 580.2 billion yuan (about ...
科尔尼大中华区(Kearney China)总裁贺晓青表示:“在具有挑战性的宏观环境下,中国消费者变得日益成熟和理性。
BEIJING, Sep 20 (China Economic Net) – China is transitioning from a solar manufacturing powerhouse to a leading innovator in ...