随着职业教育在社会经济中的重要性日益凸显,对其效果、影响因素及内在机制的研究成为学术界关注的热点。结构方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)作为一种强大的多元统计分析工具,能够同时处理多个因变量和自变量,并允许变量存在测量误差,因此在 ...
semPower is an R-package that provides several functions to perform a-priori, compromise, and post-hoc power analyses for structural equation models (SEM). (Very) basic functionality is also provided ...
This second-order model demonstrated reasonable model fit with RMSEA close above 0.06 and satisfactory model fit in all other fit indices (table 2). The factor loadings for the second order model, ...
This section contains a collection of formulas used in computing indices to assess the goodness of fit by PROC CALIS. The following notation is used: For estimation methods that are not BGLS ...
Affords an alternative, vector-based syntax to lavaan, as well as other convenience functions such as naming paths and defining indirect links automatically. Also offers convenience formatting ...
Tropical smallholder agriculture is undergoing rapid transformation in nutrient cycling pathways as international development efforts strongly promote greater use of mineral fertilizers to increase ...
Objective To investigate the reliability and validity of Healthy Fitness Measurement Scale Version 1.0 (HFMS V1.0) for different population cohorts in the city of Guangzhou, Guangdong, China and to ...
The assessment of the measurement model showed an adequate fit to the data (χ 2 /df=1065.04 (637), p<0.001; TLI=0.91, CFI=0.92, SRMR=0.07 and RMSEA=0.05; 95% CI 0.043 to 0.053). Considering these ...
Structural equivalency in terms of equal factor loadings as well as equal factor covariances across all adaptations can be claimed. However, the single group analyses suggest that the hypothesized ...
Estimates of factor variances observed together with negative factor correlations in CFA using the bifactor model are explored for specific characteristics. The analysis is conducted on the basis of ...