"Long COVID" is the continuation or development of new symptoms three months after initial SARS-CoV-2 infection.
加星标,才能不错过每日推送!方法见文末动图 “四大力学”这种基于错误翻译外加错误理解的叫法,极具误导性。及时抛弃这个不严谨的说法而代之以准确、系统甚至深刻的理解,多少会有益于我国的物理学教育与研究事业,惠及当下与未来的物理学习者。 撰文 | ...
Normalizing Hitler and Nazi doctrines like the Great Replacement Theory is such an example. Donald Trump and cronies like ...
我想但凡经历过分手的朋友,都会有类似的感受: 一段感情的终结和关系的终结常常不是同步的。 分手完的很长时间内,我们的情绪还会被与那个人有关的点点滴滴所牵动,感到不舍、心痛而无法控制。
A new study has challenged the long-held assumption that autistic people are emotionally stunted, finding that, in fact, ...
Conducted through interpretive phenomenological analysis, a study published in the journal Autism involved one-to-one, ...
Background and Goal: "Long COVID" is the continuation or development of new symptoms three months after initial SARS-CoV-2 infection. For many ...
Aman Rihal explores the concept of mental health, how it manifests in dentistry, and the importance of sincere listening.
09月18日(星期三),美国加州大学河滨分校的艺术史教授兼人文中心主任珍妮特·科尔(Jeanette Kohl),将莅临北京大学艺术学院,带来一场题为“与半身像沉思:伦勃朗的《亚里士多德与荷马半身像》”的讲座。
Our regrets may preserve an emotional attachment to someone or something we lost or someone or something we should have ...
Study uncovers the alarming impact of misdiagnosing borderline personality disorder in autistic adults, highlighting the ...
Perceptual inference requires the integration of visual features through recurrent processing, the dynamic exchange of information between higher and lower level cortical regions. While animal ...