Orchitis is swelling of the testicles, usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Mumps, a viral infection that affects the salivary glands, typically causes orchitis in young children.
Epididymal cysts often begin to form in older men after a vasectomy, but they can occur spontaneously as well. This condition is an infection of the testicle and sometimes the epididymis ...
Urinalysis (UA) revealed trace leucocyte esterase but was otherwise negative. Ultrasound (U/S) revealed an enlarged right testis with heterogeneous echotexture and increased vascularity, consistent ...
An 18-year-old boy, a refugee from Afghanistan, with no significant medical history, presented after 1 day of severe left testicular pain. History, clinical ...
COVID-19’s impact on male fertility is an emerging concern, with studies showing significant reductions in sperm quality and ...
Balaji, Durairaj Ramesh Kashyap, Alankrith Prasanth, Arun and Floret, Soundrapandian 2016. XANTHOGRANULOMATOUS ORCHITIS: AN UNUSUAL FORM OF TESTICULAR ABSCESS. Journal of Evolution of Medical and ...
Background. A 40-year-old man presented to a hospital emergency department with acute-onset, bilateral, painless swelling of the scrotum, which had developed progressively over the previous 12 h ...
Male factor infertility, a common reason for delays or difficulties in conception, is the inability of a male to make a ...
For instance, the disease may cause testicles to swell. This condition is known as orchitis. When the testicles are impacted, the sterility of the infected man may decrease, according to the ...
The epididymis functions as transition zone for post-testicular sperm maturation and storage and faces contrasting immunological challenges, i.e. tolerance towards spermatozoa vs. reactivity against ...