A protein called torsinA plays a key role in the early development of neurons, determining where nuclear pores are placed in the membrane that encloses the nucleus of nerve cells, a study led by UT ...
Between and around the billions of neurons in the human brain is an equally vital scaffold, the extracellular matrix (ECM).
A mechanism for metabolic disease is traced to a defective cellular scaffolding that holds together the brain’s hunger cells.
Researchers have developed a groundbreaking tool that offers new insights into the brain's extracellular matrix (ECM), ...
A study conducted at the University of Bonn has identified an essential control circuit in flies that regulates food ...
Neuroplasticity is key to brain health, facilitating learning and recovery while combating age-related cognitive decline and ...
A study tracks how the structure of the brain changes during pregnancy, drawing on brain scans gathered before, during and ...
Investigating ECM changes in the hypothalamus reveals mechanisms behind insulin resistance, offering insights into obesity ...
The BARR phenomenon flips a "switch" that resets neurons during sleep and prevents the brain from experiencing memory ...
A virtual version of a fruit fly’s visual system could help scientists understand how brain networks process information. The ...
The process of food intake appears to be organized at the cellular level like a relay race: during eating, the baton is passed between different teams of neurons until we have consumed the appropriate ...
However, the cellular mechanisms by which MC4R regulates reproduction are unknown. Kiss1 neurons directly stimulate gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release through two distinct populations; the ...