Samsung says it has begun the mass production of its 1Tb quad-level cell (QLC) 9th-generation V-NAND, an industry first. The ...
Samsung Electronics has successfully developed the industry’s first PCIe 4.0 automotive SSD based on eighth-generation ...
256GB AM9C1使用先进的V-NAND技术,5nm制程控制器,提供SLC模式选项,速度目前为三星最快 更高的性能和可靠性,使此款SSD支持端侧AI功能,更适配下一代车载解决方案 深圳2024年9月24日 /美通社/ -- ...
国际电子商情25日讯 由于传统存储市场需求未明显复苏,尤其是与AI关联度较低的企业端DRAM存储和NAND闪存产品需求低迷,日本NAND Flash大厂铠侠(Kioxia)已取消原定10月进行首次公开募股(IPO)的计划。
Samsung Electronics, a global leader in memory technology, has once again set a new standard in the industry with the ...
Samsung is announcing the opening of a new frontier in solid-state storage today with the arrival of its 9th generation ...
Samsung has utilized groundbreaking manufacturing techniques to pack an impressive 280 layers of memory cells into each chip, ...
格隆汇9月25日丨 江波龙 ( 64.020, -0.74, -1.14%) (301308.SZ)在投资者互动平台表示, 公司与众多智能终端品牌客户保持着紧密合作,客户具体情况可参考公司已披露的相关公告。公司自研SLC NAND Flash的小容量存储芯片设计业务,累计出货量已远超 ...
【环球网科技综合报道】9月24日,三星电子宣布,已成功研发出其首款基于第八代V-NAND技术的PCIe 4.0车载固态硬盘(SSD)——AM9C1。
Notice: The content above (including the videos, pictures and audios if any) is uploaded and posted by the user of Dafeng Hao ...
盖世汽车讯 9月24日,先进内存技术公司三星电子(Samsung Electronics)宣布成功开发出业界首款基于第八代垂直NAND(V-NAND)的PCIe 4.0汽车SSD。新款汽车SSD ...
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the world leader in advanced memory technology, today announced it has successfully developed ...