Soft lithography is a family of non-photolithographic techniques used for fabricating micro- and nanostructures using elastomeric stamps, molds, and conformable photomasks. Unlike conventional ...
Nanostencil lithography (NSL) is a shadow-mask-based nanopatterning technique that allows for the direct deposition of materials through a stencil mask with nanoscale openings. It enables the ...
Extreme ultraviolet lithography extends photolithography ... For example, so-called double-patterning techniques involve splitting one complex IC pattern into two (or more) mask patterns, which ...
Computational lithography techniques that improve resolution and pattern fidelity, such as optical proximity correction (OPC) ...
6 Technical complexities, such as the need for robust pellicles to protect photomasks and the difficulty of scaling laboratory techniques to industrial production, further complicate its adoption.
A new study conducted at the University of Vienna, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, and the ...
One of the most complex parts of this process is lithography: the step in which shapes are drawn onto a silicon wafer. There are several ways to do this, all of them rather complicated ...
Computational lithography uses various techniques of resolution enhancement technology (RET) to create more perfect images on the chip as the elements of the transistor get smaller and smaller.
They thus highlight a dynamic of the semiconductor industry: as transistors, the main type of electronic component found in ...
Scientists demonstrate efficient generation of spin waves with high amplitudes using alternating currents in a simple ...
EUV mirror interference lithography Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute developed an EUV lithography technique that can produce conductive tracks with a separation of just five nanometers by ...