I am studying the slef-assembly processes controlling the formation of protein nanosheets and regulating their mechanical properties. In particular, I use a combination of interfacial rheology, AFM ...
Rheology finds the answers to questions of practical importance such as how to make a paint that is easy to spread but does not drip, how to make a smooth, creamy chocolate, or how to blend polymers ...
Sometimes, a given fluid doesn’t have quite the right viscosity or physical properties for a given application. Rheology modifiers can be added to fluids to change their viscosity and even change the ...
RSC Applied Interfaces is a dedicated, interdisciplinary home for articles that highlight the impact of applied interfacial and surface research. This journal is part of a strong portfolio from the ...
Her research group studies processing-structure-property relationships in polymers and polymer composites, with a focus on interfacial phenomena in multilayered systems. She received her Ph.D. in 2011 ...
Machine and instrumentation design; plasticating screw and feed system design; on-line simulation and control; polymer rheology; additive manufacturing processes and design guidelines. Product design ...
The performance of the Discovery Hybrid Rheometer is supported by the widest range of powerful, easy-to-use environmental systems and accessories that allow you to replicate demanding environmental ...
Our fundamental expertise in Colloidal and Interfacial Phenomenon, Complex Fluids Engineering, and Rheology are used to answer these questions, especially as they relate to formulation engineering and ...