The Old World Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) is a potential pest of many different plants. Its larvae bore into and feed on the fruit of a wide range of plant species. Hosts which occur in Wyoming ...
Pulses such as chickpeas, mung beans and lentils are staples of Pakistani cuisine. While many countries are reliant on ...
"Last year was an invasion," Harold said. "I would call it an infestation from a pest known as Helicoverpa zea." While Colorado has had and dealt with the worm for decades, recently farmers have ...
The Coalition’s Policy to Protect and Streamline Health and Medical Research Funding is one of the first documents off the blocks this election. Short and sweet, it is designed to appeal to ...
There are quite a few steps that happen before you find Olathe Sweet Corn piled high in your local grocery stores. David ...
In Australia, anyone who supports rules and regulations that make products safer or improve public health can expect to come under attack from critics arguing they’re restricting freedom and turning ...