研究院正式启用半年来,已引入国内外光电、生物医药等领域多个高技术、高质量孵化项目,并与多家当地企业建立了技术合作。这是尹聪和团队交出的亮眼成绩单,也是她和团队立志推动科技创新与产业创新深度融合,让更多创新成果在长安镇、高新区落地生根、开花结果的生动诠 ...
More than once, alone, Su inherited the spirit of Tang Dynasty (618-907) poet Li Bai, a hearty drink taken, dancing with the ...
将装有3D打印模型的U盘,插入一台摆台式的框架3D打印机内,简单操作下,深玫瑰金色的3D打印材料就通过喉管,进入到具有220度高温的模块内进行加热。随后,打印机内的喷嘴就开始在平台底板上来回移动,将PLA线性原料逐层叠加,最终打印出具有精细结构设计的 ...
An MP has called for clarity over the future of a "vital" village post office amid fears of cuts to funding and opening hours ...
Tartan-clad bowlers from Dumfries were striding out for charity at the Edinburgh Kilt Walk on Sunday. The group of 12 from ...
Mark Haining is displaying his work at the Big Art Show in Paisley. An Alexandria artist displaying his work at a major show ...
Discover how mycotoxins in grass silage are affecting Northern Ireland's dairy sector and what farmers can do to mitigate risks.
The Port of Liverpool welcomes the UK’s largest feed maize shipment, boosting its key role in supporting the nation's agricultural industry.
UNESCO is pleased to announce the winners of the 6th edition of the "Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads” international photo ...
Police have issued a silver alert for Thomas Meier, 88, of Prescott Valley.
9月11日,由《GOLF VACATIONS高球假期》主办的“2024高球热选大奖”颁奖典礼于长安高尔夫球乡村俱乐部隆重上演。今年适逢中国高尔夫发展的第40个年头,借此契机,“2024高球热选大奖”再次致敬每一位为中国高尔夫发展作贡献的个人和团体。
Raskin, who is Jewish, said that Trump's comments at the Israeli American Council summit were "extremely dangerous." ...