1.24-Hour Visa-Free Transit: Travelers holding a connecting ticket to athird country or region and transiting through ...
Albertsons Companies clearly uses a high amount of debt to boost returns, as it has a debt to equity ratio of 2.54. Its ROE ...
科尔尼大中华区(Kearney China)总裁贺晓青表示:“在具有挑战性的宏观环境下,中国消费者变得日益成熟和理性。
9月11日,第二十四届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会圆满落幕。全球120个国家和地区、18个国际组织、1000多个境内外政府机构及工商企业团组、近8万名客商来厦参展参会。据初步统计,688个项目在大会期间达成合作协议,计划总投资额达4889.2亿元。本届投洽 ...
Five years ago, it would take at least three months for African coffee beans to be transported to China. Now, it can be achieved in one month or less, according to Jing Jianhua, a man who has been eng ...
The China National Convention Center, venue of the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), in Beijing. ...
为缓解铁路工会罢工威胁,悉尼政府本周末推出免费火车服务,确保重大体育赛事交通顺畅。点击 ▶ 收听完整报道。 点击 ▶ 收听播客。 面对即将到来的周末橄榄球决赛,悉尼商界正紧急呼吁铁路工人取消罢工行动,以确保交通顺畅。
岚图汽车科技有限公司CEO卢放在接受记者采访时表示,坦率讲,新能源MPV这个市场的打开是由岚图来完成的。“在2021年广州车展上,我们第一次发布了岚图梦想家,并于2022年4月开启预售、5月正式上市。岚图梦想家把MPV这一品类带入了电动化时代,此次上 ...
Koji Nagai, Chairman of Nomura Holdings, Inc, shares his vision of Shanghai in the next 10 years. He said: "Nomura has joined ...
BEIJING, Sept.13 (China Economic Net) - The Pakistan National Pavilion was officially inaugurated at the 2024 China ...