U.S. Steel’s glory days, when its products shaped landmarks from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to the New Orleans Superdome, lie in the past. The CEO says there is no money to modernize the outdated mills ...
Nucor is a steelmaker that uses recycled steel and electricity to produce all of its steel products. Learn more on NUE stock ...
近日,德国足坛名宿埃芬博格在接受Sport1采访时谈到了格雷茨卡的情况,称对其留队的决定表示不理解,并且表示一个赛季只能出场几次真的没有意义。 埃芬博格表示:“我认为格雷茨卡要面对的情况相当棘手,为什么这样的球员选择留在拜仁,尽管有人建议他离开会更好 ...
【本报讯】钢铁生产企业,Gunung Raja Paksi(GGRP) 公司与国际金融公司(IFC)签署了总值6000万美元或相等于9240亿盾(每美元兑1万5400 盾)的融资协议。 这是国际金融公司十多年来对亚洲钢铁工业首次的投资。
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2024年9月1日,由中国钢铁工业协会主办的第十三届中国国际钢铁大会在上海拉开帷幕。为期五天的大会以“协同·共赢·绿色·持续”为主题,汇聚世界钢铁协会、重点钢铁生产企业、钢铁产业链主要上下游代表性企业、冶金技术装备供应商等,共同探讨促进产业链协同,推 ...
Italian steelmaker Marcegaglia, is investing £50m to build a new electric arc furnace to upgrade its existing site in ...
JP Morgan has recently reduced GrafTech International Ltd (EAF) stock to Underweight rating, as announced on July 16, 2024, according to Finviz. Earlier, on January 16, 2024, UBS had initiated the ...
According to the SMM survey, as of September 3, the operating rate of 50 major EAF steel mills producing construction materials nationwide was 19.76%, up 4.56 percentage points WoW.
埃及可能与中国大陆签署了购买歼10 C(J-10C) 战斗机的协议,将用它来取代美制的F-16 战斗机。军事网站防卫部落格(Defense Blog)称,首届埃及航空展于9月3日在阿拉曼开幕,其中,解放军空军可谓是鼎力相助,特别派出 ...
明确了 将水泥、钢铁、电解铝行业中年度温室气体直接排放达到 2.6 万吨二氧化碳当量的单位作为重点排放单位,并纳入全国碳排放权交易市场管理,且2024年将作为水泥、钢铁、电解 铝行业首个管控年度,2025 ...