2024年3月,在全球航运业监管机构国际海事组织(IMO)组织的会谈中,34个国家支持对航运业制造的温室气体排放进行收费,预计可能在明年被IMO采纳。在此之前,欧盟正在抢先开展对国际航运业温室气体排放的监管。IMO与EU措施在2023年—2027年接连实施,持续加速航运业脱碳。后续计划2025年批准措施并立法、2027年措施生效实施。 技术措施:基于目标的船用燃料标准,规范分阶段降低船用燃料温室气 ...
Following the conclusion of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing, there is ...
9月6日,在IFA2024展会现场,国际权威机构TÜV为长虹美菱颁发两项认证证书,包括对组织整体的温室气体核查认证(Organizational Greenhouse Gas Verification Statement)及冰箱、洗衣机产品的碳足迹认证(Product Carbon Footprint Verification ...
During the period, foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Chinese mainland, in actual use, totaled 580.2 billion yuan (about ...
Following the conclusion of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing, there is considerable optimism for green cooperation and clean energy capacity-building in ...
中国对中美关系的“四个没有变”传达出追求稳定发展的诚意和维护底线红线的决心,体现出一个大国在处理与另一个大国 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- China has made remarkable strides in energy development over the past 75 years, deepening its green, low-carbon transformation and continuously improving its energy ...
On September 3rd afternoon, XPENG AEROHT hosted a preview event showcasing its modular flying car, the "Land Aircraft Carrier ...