The raids were named after the Baedeker guidebook used by the German military to select historic targets in England. The Blitz of Exeter in April and May 1942 "was the single most destructive ...
The first use of a star system is credited to Germany's Karl Baedeker, who started publishing travel guides in 1827. He ...
The 'Baedeker' raids in 1942 targeted historic cities including Canterbury, York and Exeter, and the V1 and supersonic V2 rockets deployed between 1944 and 1945 killed nearly 9,000 civilians.
Germany invades Poland, leading Great Britain and France to declare war against Germany. May 15, 1940 In the first large scale “bombing war,” Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) bombs the Ruhr ...
Following the precedent and standards set by the Baedeker guides, travel literature enjoyed great popularity during the later nineteenth century. This guidebook to the Alps, written by Hermann ...
Location: Reggio de Calabria, Salerno and Taranto, southern Italy. Players: Allies: General Bernard Montgomery's 8th Army (consisting of 5th Corps and 13th Corps); General Mark Clark's US 5th Army ...
His shelves still include classic travel guides to Moscow, including one published by Intourist in 1932 and a Baedeker guide ...
Marks & Cars and Classic Driver celebrated the legacy of Marcello Gandini and the era of wedge design with a tribute event at ...
The buildings there were demolished in 2019. But the site was used to dispose of rubble after buildings in the city were bombed during the Baedeker Raids of 1942, so careful checks had to be ...