Bjorn Lomborg, president of Copenhagen Consensus, speaks on energy topics, including the acknowledgement that methods aside ...
Looking back on more than 20 years of climate agitation, two themes emerge: a stubborn unwillingness by campaigners to acknowledge any inconvenient science, and ever-shifting favorite stories ...
Lomborg, Bjorn 2023. Save 4.2 Million Lives and Generate $1.1 Trillion in Economic Benefits for Only $41 Billion: Introduction to the Special Issue on the Most Efficient Policies for the Sustainable ...
The federal government has withdrawn an offer to provide $4 million to any Australian university willing to host climate sceptic Bjorn Lomborg and his “Consensus Centre”. Staff at Flinders University ...
Bjorn Lomborg is the president of the Copenhagen Consensus and a visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He wrote this column for
At the turn of the 21st century, in the famously bold words of Francis Fukuyama, history had come to an end. There was relative peace and trust among major powers, significant economic growth and ...
Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus, is a visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. The Economist named his latest book, “Best Things First,” one of the ...
We need to be much smarter than that. Bjorn Lomborg is president of the Copenhagen Consensus, visiting fellow at Stanford ...
Climate studies are becoming increasingly politicized. Harvard University recently shut down a key geoengineering research project because of intense backlash, despite the college’s aspiration ...
Bjorn was the first professional tennis player to earn more than $1 million in tournament money in a single year. He accomplished that feat in 1979. Earning $1 million in 1979 is the same as ...
German far-right politician Bjoern Hoecke, known for his inflammatory rhetoric against immigrants and Islam, on Sunday led the AfD party to its first ever regional election victory. A former high ...