Lycopodium is a fine powder, the seed, or more correctly the spores, of a club moss. These are members of a curious family of cryptogamous plants that,' from the demand in commerce for the spores ...
【来源】为石松科石松属植物蛇足石松Lycopodium serratum Thunb.,以全草入药。全年可采,洗净,晒干。 【原形态】多年生草本,全株暗绿色,高15~40厘米。根须状。茎直立或下部平卧,顶端常具 ...
When a laser beam is incident on many small objects such as lycopodium powder, the resulting diffraction pattern is similar to the diffraction pattern of a small circular aperture (Airy's disk pattern ...
“干,才是马列主义!” 中国石油大学暑期实践追寻铁人精神 “干,才是马列主义,不干,半点马列主义也没有!”“宁可少活二十年,拼命也要拿下大油田!” 以“铁人”王进喜为代表的老 ...
What is the current share price of Lycopodium Limited (LYL)? Lycopodium Limited's (LYL) current share price is $12.34. This constitutes a price movement of 8.18% when compared to the share price 7 ...