After years of second place finishes, Team Liquid has finally won a major Dota 2 tournament and it’s the biggest one of all.
在今晨结束的2024DOTA2国际邀请赛决赛的比赛中,TeamLiquid 时隔7年再次夺得2024年国际邀请赛冠军!进入国际邀请赛双冠俱乐部殿堂! Team Liquid以3-0横扫Gaimin ...
2024年国际邀请赛(TI)在激烈的战斗和天才选手的对决中落下帷幕,Team Liquid以令人瞩目的3-0横扫Gaimin Gladiators(GG),不仅赢得了本届赛事的最高荣誉——冠军神盾,还成为历史上第一支以全新阵容再度夺冠的战队。这场赛事不仅展示了顶尖选手的个人能力,更是Dota 2竞技精神的最好体现。
Gaimin Gladiators are the most recent victims of Team Liquid's stupendous 3-0 Grand Finals wins at The International Finals.
Three more guilds have downed Ovi'nax to join Team Liquid in struggling with Nexus-Princess Ky'veza as the Race to World ...
Team Liquid is your TI13 Champion, breaking their age-old second-place curse that has hung over them for seven tournaments to ...
9月16日凌晨,国际邀请赛TI13总决赛落下帷幕。Team Liquid(液体)战队以3:0的大比分战胜Gaimin Gladiators,夺得了本届比赛的冠军,并赢得了近824.7万元人民币的奖金。
Meanwhile Team Liquid's current offlaner, 33, is now a two-time TI champ. He last garnered his 1st trophy back in The ...
在不断发展的电竞领域中,数字技术的更新迭代在推动行业发展上发挥着至关重要的作用。近年来最为显著的突破,是人工智能(AI)与电竞的融合,AI的加入改变了电竞选手的竞技方式,教练依靠AI完成以往需要大量人力才能解决的数据分析工作,自动生成内容正在帮助用户 ...
IT之家 9 月 16 日消息,在今天凌晨结束的《DOTA2》TI13 总决赛上,Team Liquid(液体) 3:0 大胜 Gaimin Gladiators 夺得本届国际邀请赛冠军,获得近 116 万美元(IT之家备注:当前约 824.7 ...
Prediction for the match between Team Vitality and Team Liquid which will take place on September 15. Who will turn out to be ...
IT之家 9 月 13 日消息,《DOTA2》2024 年国际邀请赛主赛事的比赛即将于北京时间今日 16:00 展开,8 支进入最终阶段的队伍将在丹麦哥本哈根皇家体育馆争夺官方赛事最高荣誉。 北京时间今日 16:00:败者组第三轮,BetBoom Team vs Team Falcons; ...