Federal authorities raided the home of NYPD Interim Commissioner Thomas Donlon on Friday — just over a week after his ...
There are many questions about NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban's future amid an ongoing federal corruption investigation.
Mayor Eric Adams was grilled on the status of NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban on Tuesday amid the feds' probe of several ...
The head of the NYPD announced his resignation Thursday amid an ongoing federal investigation into the department’s nightclub ...
纽约市警察局(NYPD)新任临时局长唐伦(Thomas Donlon)周六晚间发表声明称,联邦当局于周五搜查了他的住所,并没收了一些与他在NYPD的警察工作并无关联的材料。 Abc7ny报道称,调查人员此前得到消息称,唐伦保留了20多年前他参与的一项调查中所涉及的机密文件。在相关知情人就此举报后,联邦人员展开了搜查。ABC新闻称,约20年前,唐伦是联邦调查局(FBI)的高级反恐官员。
Federal investigators subpoenaed phones from a group of NYPD lieutenants responsible for fielding complaints about bars in an ...
NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban resigned Thursday from his post helming the country's largest police department amid a federal investigation into its nightclub enforcement, according to a memo obtained ...
This week, we asked readers their opinion on the abrupt resignation of now-former NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban on Sept. 12 ...
New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban is resigning, ABC said on Thursday, citing multiple officials, a week after ...
综合美媒报导,纽约市警察局局长爱德华.卡班 ( Edward Caban ) 于当地时间 12 日宣布辞职,并确定由美国联邦调查局 ( FBI ) 退休官员汤姆.多隆 ( Tom Donlon ) 担任临时警察局长的职务。有报导称,卡班辞职的原因,很可能与其涉及潜在的腐败行为有关,并可能牵连到纽约市长埃里克.亚当斯 ( Eric Adams ) 与其执政团队。
This week, we asked readers their opinion on the abrupt resignation of now-former NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban on Sept. 12 ...
Police Commissioner Edward Caban’s twin brother was ferried around the five boroughs by an NYPD detective after a threat to his brother’s life — and now the feds have seized that ...